Saturday, September 28, 2019


Through My Blue Eyes

An Odyssey on the TransAmerica Bicycle Trail


Host at the Crawford County Historical Museum in Pittsburg, Kansas.

Cross country cyclist cheered us on and warned us of cold weather ahead in the mountains of Colorado.

Girard, Kansas.

Chasing after the falling sun on Kansas Highway 47.

The kind folks at the Immanuel Lutheran Church let Miles and I stay the night and cook a meal in the kitchen.

In places, Black-eyed Susans line the roadways in Kansas.

Riding towards Chanute, Kansas.

Sunset while camping beside Toronto Lake in Kansas.

This man was running from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast.  He was running for a charity to help aid the tsunami victims in Indonesia.

Miles and I met and ate with Mike and Tina, adventure cyclists, at the Copper Kettle in Eureka, Kansas.

Black-eyed Susan beside a long stretch of road in Kansas.

  Miles and I both had our fair share of pinhole flats along the journey.

Big sky and endless land in Kansas.

Brett Prothro and his son Atticus in North Newton, Kansas.

Miles and I were able to visit with Mike, Mary Jane, Marathana, Brett, and Atticus in North Newton, Kansas.

Resident of North Newton, Kansas.

A father and son from Spain ride the TransAmerica Trail.

TransAmerica Trail cyclist from Farmington, Missouri.

Humongous grain silo outside of Hutchinson, Kansas.

Miles and I walked around the streets of Hutchinson and went to the Cosmosphere.

This young boy helped fix my flat tire in Hutchinson, Kansas.

A solo cyclist from Europe enjoying the ride across Kansas.

Fort Larned, Kansas.

Miles and I at Fort Larned National Historic Site.

Miles and I decide to go our separate ways at Fort Larned.  Miles wishes to follow the wind and rides south to his destination in Austin, Texas.

Huge cattle farms on the way to Garden City, Kansas.

Mother and daughter from Deerfield, Kansas.

Remnants of the Old Santa Fe Trail.

More flat tires...


  1. The armadillo, camel and turtle was so cute!😆

  2. The man running from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast for a charity to help aid the tsunami victims in Indonesia, is really inspiring😍
